Keith tells the following story that was shared with him by Dr Pedro.
"A christian man came in for treatment with injuries to his lower body. As the doctor treated him the man began to tell him his story. His little son was lying on his lap when the quake hit. A wall fell on them, pinning them down. The boy was pinned down on his lap, with his little arms outstretched. The father was unable to move to help him at all. And he had to lay there helpless for three days as he was forced to watch his child die.
The imprint of the child's bones were still in his father's lap as the doctor examined him. When the doctor was finished he told the man how very sorry he was that this tragedy had happened to him. He told him, "I cannot fully comprehend the pain you must feel. I've never lost a child." But the doctor said to me, "I think God gave me the words to say next. I told him, 'But I know someone who does fully understand your pain. God himself watched helplessly as his son died, arms outstretched too. He understands your pain very personally.'"
The doctor said the man's whole countenance changed as he began to realize that God really did feel with him in his grief. It was just what he needed to hear. He went away greatly comforted. The doctor was grateful God gave him such a thought to share."
What a sad, touching story, I'm so glad the doctor was able to comfort the man. I am so thankful for the work you are doing.