Sunday, February 14, 2010

Second Relief Team leaves for Haiti Feb. 13, 2010

Packing takes skill. Canwell in car loading supplies, Darby and Weideman looking on.
Ron Tilley, Jean Byrne, Kris Darby and Sherry Weideman

Marc Goff

Kris Darby, Ted Flaiz, Keith Canwell, Scott Welker

T Flaiz, S Welker, S Weideman, K Canwell, J Byrne, R Tilley, K Darby, B & R Fleck

Ten professionals left for Haiti. They include, Jean Byrne, PT; Keith Canwell, Pastor & Dental Asst.; Alissa Claney, Teacher; Kris Darby, EMT; Ted Flaiz, Dentist; Marc Goff, EMT; Chris Howard, Counselor; Ron Tilley, Admin; Sherry Weideman, nurse; Scott Welker, MD. They were loaded with bags of medical/dental supplies to treat injured and sick Haitians. Tonight will be spent in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Early tomorrow morning they will travel together by bus to Haiti--about a 5-6 hour trip, where they will work for the next two weeks. We appreciate your prayers and support for this team. Updates will be posted as they come in. Continued financial help will allow for future teams.

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